JADE RAYMOND Archivi - Assassin's Collection https://www.assassinscollection.it/tag/jade-raymond-en?lang=en Wed, 26 Apr 2023 09:53:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://www.assassinscollection.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/cropped-favicon-32x32.png JADE RAYMOND Archivi - Assassin's Collection https://www.assassinscollection.it/tag/jade-raymond-en?lang=en 32 32 JADE RAYMOND https://www.assassinscollection.it/en/blog-en/jade-raymond https://www.assassinscollection.it/en/blog-en/jade-raymond#respond Wed, 26 Apr 2023 09:53:26 +0000 https://www.assassinscollection.it/jade-raymond JADE RAYMOND JadeRaymond was born in Montreal, Canada in 1975, graduated in Computer Science from MCGill University in Montreal, and worked at Sony and EA, distinguishing herself as a programmer. Titles such as Jeopardy, Trivial Pursuit (PC) and The Sims Online were churned out under his direction. In 2004 he began working  at Ubisoft’s  Montreal, […]

L'articolo JADE RAYMOND proviene da Assassin's Collection.

JadeRaymond was born in Montreal, Canada in 1975, graduated in Computer Science from MCGill University in Montreal, and worked at Sony and EA, distinguishing herself as a programmer. Titles such as Jeopardy, Trivial Pursuit (PC) and The Sims Online were churned out under his direction.

In 2004 he began working  at Ubisoft’s  Montreal, and here, Assassin’s Creed and Assassin’s Creed II were made under her direction in the capacities of producer and executive producer, respectively,  video game that has now become a brand or perhaps given the enormous video game leverage it currently has, we can consider it Art.

In 2009 was appointed to head Ubisoft Toronto, where she currently works.

In all honesty, finding a woman as video game producer of an Assassins Creed-style game surprised me quite a bit. I thought “This is a great one!” mainly because it disproved the idea that women and video games don’t get along.

Establishing oneself in a certain field requires determination and talent. This beautiful girl, she could have taken advantage of her beauty and practiced a far easier path than video games. Instead, he pursued his passion, cultivated since childhood! And this passion of hers has led her to establish herself as a worldwide video game producer

[See image gallery at www.assassinscollection.it]

L'articolo JADE RAYMOND proviene da Assassin's Collection.

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